Varoitus: Tekstiä ei ole valtakunnansyyttäjän viraston toimesta tarkastettu ja se sisältää yleisen tuumailun ja kontroversaalin lainauksen ohella mielipiteen Kekkosesta. Herkästi kiihottuvat voivat jättää lukematta tai lukea omalla vastuullaan.
Ihmisen pitäisi ymmärtää olevansa onnellisella tavalla ulkopuolinen, jos pystyy kuvilla leikkiessään muodostamaan jonkun yleisluontoisen kannan näihin asioihin, joista Radovan Karadzich kirjoittaa:
Was this a war?Lähde:
Warrior is coming back to his land, to his village, to his home. A Cavalier. Primordial image. In respite from war, he is coming back to those whom he left behind, with whom he movingly parted when he went to fulfil his knighthood call, because somewhere, in some capitals, politics became insufficient, so it was decided to “resume this policy with other means”, as Clausewitz would say. For this “resumption of policy with other means”, his military craft was needed. He farewelled with his closest, and longest he farewelled with his children and his wife, and he went to war.
Now, he is coming back, to respite and to see his closest. And what does he see?
Village is defaced and can no longer be recognized. Between aflamed houses there are unburried corpses which are so mutilated by their murderers, that even the closest ones can’t recognize them. Murdered, mutilated and scattered are also all domestic animals, whom their killer equaled with killed children. There are lying oxes, swines, lambs, cat and house dog. All killed, mutilated and burnt.
Birds in branches – some killed, some aghast. Even them don’t recognize landscape. Orchard is also torn, on which birds alighted. Eaves are gone. Housewife don’t come out to feed the cattle and birds, God’s creatures that are loved by all and that are fed by all, together with domestic animals. Church is gone. Only ruins are left, on which green letters and signs are written, unknown to natives, unknown even to their murderer. Weird signs, that should be God’s messages. But, warrior knows: where God passes by, He doesn’t leave traces like this nor does He underwrite like this. Warrior can’t be persuaded by no one that there are different gods and their warriors, and that some warriors of different god passed through his village and his life, and left havoc and their signatures.
Warrior knows very well who passed through his village. He knows that for several centuries. He recognize handicraft and handwriting. For him, this is not “resumption of policy with other means”. Clausewitz doesn’t know wars like this and warriors like this. Whole world doesn’t know, or doesn’t want to know, although something similar happened or is happening in that same world.
Only our warrior knows. He knows that yet again, for a hundred time, in who knows what war in a row between “us” and “them”, his family, house, present and past are defaced, and that there IS nothing left. No house in which he is born, no mother who gave him birth. No brothers, sisters, their children... No wife of his and their children. Ask Strahinja Zhivak, who lost both sons and who’s family name defined that he need to survive and to testify.
Our warrior doesn’t have time nor possibility to ask himself whether it could, or whether it can be different. That can be done by others, who live some other and different life. By others who can allow themselves not to belong to their folk, not to be Serbs, to be, if they wish, nothing at all. He is not nothing. Even if he wanted it, he couldn’t be that. His neighbour, killer and slaughter, who is looking behind his back for centuries, wouldn’t let him, between false words, which they exchange for centuries, and which like false coin worth nothing, but are in use and have some function (Andrich).
In order to avoid this what is happening to him for centuries, our warrior must literaly go into inner removal, which constitute half of Serbish Folk history. If he want to become whoever, nobody or everybody, to stop being a Serb, he must go somewhere outside, where it can be done. Here, that can’t be done. Here, there is destiny and it always existed. Those who wanted and could change destiny and avoid it – did it for centuries, and now aren’t amongst persecuted but amongs persecuters. Our warrior haven’t done it. He live his destiny. He live it without regret. Clausevitz doesn’t know this story. This story isn’t historical. It is biblical.
Our warrior, who is known in the world by the name of “Bosnian Serb”, always suffered as much as man could. There is no more perseverant folk beneath heaven than this folk, called “Bosnian Serbs”. All his spiritual treasures for centuries he kept locked in his chest, without manifesting them even when being alone with himself. He made himself look like untrained and ignorant, but in essence – he was noble and cavalier. He hid his Serbish essence, so that he can keep it. But, he wasn’t able to trick his murdering neighbour. In every war, murderer torn his chest apart in search for this hidden, Serbish essence. And he annihilated everything Serbish, up to birds on branches, in order to exterminate and eradicate, just like king Herod did.
Our warrior understands everything: his destiny and his murderer, and clamor with which “from every side” (Njegosh) is shouted upon him. And he knows that yet again he must recreate his village, his house, his family. He must stand and suffer as much as he can, and to persist when further suffering is insufferable. And then, he will accept his destiny, withour regret and without acrimony. Never leaving faith in God.
Because of that, I deeply bow to only folk, Christ-like martyr, Serbish Folk in Bosnia, who “ordinarily receive blows” of destiny (Sladoje), and for who’s chivalry some other lore is needed, and some other Clausevitz. For now, he is understood only by God Himself.
That is why I ask myself: was this a war? War have it’s being, it’s causes, goals, outbreak and finish, it’s Clausevitz. This wasn’t that known type of war. Here, cause of war was a bare existence of one folk. Will, as long as that folk exist, his bare existence be valid and plain casus belli?
Kekkosta ei viitsisi paljon kehua, mutta ainakin yhdessä, todella keskeisessä asiassa hän oli ehdottoman oikeassa: Olisi suoranainen häpeä, jos Suomi valtiona hääräisi tuolla mukana tuomarina. Ja siinä lääkärin toimessakin kannattaisi olla hyvin pidättyväinen.
6 kommenttia:
Täytyy aina välillä ihastella tarmoa, jolla nuo possut yrittävät kääntää mustan valkoiseksi ja esittää itsensä uhreina. Screbrenican sankarit, jepjep.
Uhrimentaliteetti on tyypillistä serbeille ja sen voi ymmärtää pitkän turkkilaisvallan kokemusten valossa. On siellä Serbiassa jossakin se kallotorni, jonka turkkilaiset rakensivat varoitukseksi uppiniskaisille serbeille.
Skull Tower
Serbit demonisoitiin läntisessä mediassa pahoin ja heistä tehtiin entisen Jugoslavian sotien ainoita syyllisiä, vaikka siviilejä murhattiin puolin ja toisin. Serbit Milosevicin johdolla myös epäonnistuivat mediapelissä täysin.
USA:ta on aika vaikea voittaa mediapelissä. Yrittänyttä ei laiteta ;)
Tuo teksti nyt tietysti on erittäin pateettinen. Sattuipa vain silmään tuon Facebook-ryhmän kautta. Toisaalta en yhtään ihmettele, jos serbit laajemminkin tuntevat itsensä petetyiksi.
Julia Gorin ja Andrew Bosom ovat kirjoittaneet serbinäkökulmasta ainakin jonkin verran analyyttisemmin.
En tiedä tästä mitään.
Paljolti olen pitänyt Radovan Karadzichiä vastenmielisen näköisenä paskapäänä.
Mutta kyllä se selvästi runoilija on. Veikkaan, että tuo teksti on alkukielellä aivan helvetin vetoava. Eikä englanniksikaan huono.
Minulla ei ole vastausta siihen, että kuka Jugoslaviassa oli oikeassa ja kuka väärässä. Minulla on vain vieno pyyntö: älkää tuoko tuota paskaa tänne Suomeen, koska me lintukotolaiset olemme siltä vielä säästyneet.
Pyyntö on osoitettu henkilöille nimeltä Thors, Stubb, Koskinen, Illman, Puumalainen, Suurpää, Paskapää, Loinen, Luokkavihollinen, jne. Jotka on viimeksi nähty matkalla jossakin Suomessa.
Ainiin, unohtu:
omakuva kännissä pointillistisesti ja naivillistisesti huuhaainnasmaiseen tyyliin on AIVAN LOISTAVA!
Kiitoksia. Se on nysvätty Painterin testiversiolla. Hämmästyttävän hyvä ohjelma mikä näin mainoksena todettakoon.
Helppo piirtää, kun kärsivällinen ja muutenkin mitä mainion malli ;)
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